Nov 11, 2007 18:37
What is Zenon's Curse?
As the name suggests, it is a curse! In canon, it effects all the human inhabitants of Veldime. Here, if you have a slightly non-human character that you JUST CAN'T RESIST it with, go ahead I won't stop you. If has three symptoms.
-Turning into a monster!
We have no "before" and "after" shots of anyone in Veldime, but judging from Adell's family the monsteryness varies depending on... well... how major a character you are. NPCs just all turn into regular monsters (zombies, succubi, adorable pumpkin-people so forth) or, for more major characters, they just take on monstery characteristics, like a hunch, freaky eyes, horns and tails.
IF YOU NEED, I can stick something freaky on a couple icons of one of your character if you want to participate but your fandom lacks the bad fanart to do it.
-Memory loss!
Adell's mom is a highly accomplished Summoner (app my mom!) She still remembers exactly how to perfom a whole butt-load of different rituals (app my mom!) but doesn't remember her own name or why she became a summoner in the first place. (AAAAAAPPPPP MY MOOOOOOOOM). Other characters remember almost everything, others forget everything. It varies by how much you wanna play it.
But not really. Disgaea monster do tend to be less moral in general than the human-type characters, but no one seems to have done a personality 180. For the most part, your character will experience a loss of moral compass, a heightened desire to eat red meat, and the irrepressible urge to prank all who stand in their way. To use Adell's mom as an example again (app my mom) she still loves her family very much, but she doesn't see any problem with shaving a few years off their lives to perform rituals every now and again. It's for their own good!
Also, it appears that from time to time they are overcome by bloodlust. This only ever happens in the manga and I haven't read that in English but they like... slaughter Adell's teddy bear. :'( Srsly guys, Disgaea is about the emo.
So the curse will be going as soon as I put the IC post up to whenever they get the plot device DEFEATED!!1!