Happy 8 months

Oct 19, 2012 20:39

Happy 8 months, baby boy.

Ooh, we are having so much fun with you these days.

You are always bright-eyed and full of smiles. You have your cute chipmunk cheeks and little Makka Pakka tummy. When you are happy, you flap your arms and kick your little legs excitedly. You like to raise your hands up in the air and SQUEAL at the top of your voice - your brother and you can shriek shrilly for extended periods. It always makes me laugh.

Have I mentioned how much I adore babies at this stage?

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You are extremely curious about our world and you want to be part of everything.

You are also beginning to babble a lot. You have little conversations with us in snorts and grunts. When you are in a chatty mood, you go AHGNNNNNBABABABABDDADADADADAMAMAMMAJAJAJAJAJA! It is so cute to hear what your little voice sounds like :)

Your personality is slowly beginning to emerge. I don’t know if it is by virtue of being a second child but good golly, are you a feisty one.

You are quick to make your displeasure unknown. You can stand your own against your brother. When he takes something away from you, you will yell the house down and snatch it back if you can. When he is a bit too rough with you, you will smack him back and scream the house down.

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Right now, you equate going out of the house to fun and adventure. You see us open the door and you will dash across the house in your walker and attempt to make a run for it. If you see us leaving the house without you, you will cling on to our legs and howl the house down begging us to take us with you. Now we have to whisk you to another part of the house if we want to go out ;)

When we return home after being outdoors for a bit, you will protest loudly the door as if to say, I don't wanna go home! I haven't had enough fun outside yet! You even hate it when we bring you to the bedroom when it is time for bed or a bath because you know the fun is about to come to an end.

So funny coz I don't recall your brother being this way at all at such a young age!

You are beginning to show that you understand very simple words.

When we say 'no!' (for example when you try to play with something you are not supposed to), it stops you in your tracks enough for you to pout and let out a big sigh of protest.

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You learned to clap this month. Once you got the hang of it, you couldn't stop doing putting your two little hands together. All we had to say was 'Clap your hands' or sing 'If you are happy and you know it', and you would clap on demand. It’s the cutest thing :)

You are a lot steadier on all fours now. You no longer like to be confined to just climb on soft surfaces. You love wandering all over the house on your own (we always hear the 'squeak squeak squeak' of your knees against the marble floor) and will yell if we try to put you in your walker or restrict your access to a certain area.

There is no point barricading you with a fort of pillows on the bed anymore because you would just crawl over them. Already, we have caught your leg just in the knick of time to stop you from falling head first on the hard ground a few times! Argh, we have to watch you like a hawk at all times now!

You are strong enough to pull yourself up to stand from a crawling position. You are still a bit wobbly on your feet but that hasn't stopped you from holding onto the coffee table/sofa/chairs for support and taking a step or two to cruise. You also like to let go of your hands and stand for a bit before plopping down on your bum.

You love bath times. Your brother and you play in your tubs for ages every day. You always cry when we carry you out and dry you off.

I am thinking I should introduce you to the pool soon :)

At 8 months, you still have no teeth in sight. I was planning on letting you stick to organic grain cereal and introducing you slowly to more fruit and veg purees over time but hey you had your own ideas.

You cry and scream every time your brother has his porridge because you want what he is having (no matter if you have just had your milk/cereal). So now, we let you have a small bowl of Gorgor's porridge beside him every meal.

What I find really funny is, wile your nitpicky brother is grumbling and spitting out every tiny sliver of meat or veggie, you happily munch the different textures with your gums and finish every last spoonful.

I hope you will always have such a hearty appetite :)

To my surprise, you are also very adept at drinking from a straw. One day, you picked up your brother's bottle and just started sipping!

I guess you are a typical second-born - you will always be in a huge hurry to grow up and do things because you want to be just like your Gorgor!

One of the things I am most impressed with is how attached you are to me. I spend maybe 3 waking hours with you on most days when I have to work but it doesn't bother you one bit.

When I am home, all you want is Mama. When you are in someone else' arms, you will lunge my way and expect me to catch you. You love our morning hugs and never want to let go of me in the mornings (I wish I didn't have to too!). Only I can put you to bed at night (and you are usually out in seconds). No one else will do.

You like climbing all over me and slobbering me with clumsy open-mouthed kisses. Baby kisses are the sweetest.

Just know that we are pretty smitten with you too. We love you, Rei. Happy 8 months!



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