Go fly kite!

Feb 21, 2011 16:41

Over the weekend, we were racking our brains trying to think of something outdoorsy to do with Sean.

Then, I suddenly remembered we have had a brand new kite (an impulse buy from Toys R' Us) sitting in the trunk of our car for the longest time.

So it was decided: we were going kite-flying at the Marina Barrage!

As we drew near, we were greeted with a glorious blue sky dotted with soaring kites.

Sean had fun pointing them out. Big ones, super cute tiny ones (I saw one up close and it was the size of an adult palm!), a big, fat 3-D Nemo and even 'Ah Beng' kites with blinking LED lights, all dancing gaily high above.

Such a happy sight to behold :)

I had my hands full with Sean who was having a field day running all over the place and getting tangled up in other people's kites and strings so I tossed our kite over to Foops and asked him to start flying it.

He looked a mite confused for a moment and that was when he dropped the bomb - in his thirty-something years, he has never flown a kite before! He doesn't know how to! I feel so sad knowing he had never flown a kite as a kid!

Thankfully, it doesn't take a genius to fly a kite.

Even busybody Sean had an opinion on how to put the kite together, or more likely, he just wanted to make off with the wooden sticks so he could pretend to play drums. Hur hur.

It was soooo windy we had absolutely no problems getting our kite, affectionately nicknamed Mr Shades, in the air. One big gust of wind was all it took for it to take off and before long, it was settled nicely in the sky.

I feel a bit loony describing a kite like it was a real person but doesn't Mr Shades look positively at home next to all the other kites?!

Golden moment of the day: Foops teaching Sean the trick of keeping the kite afloat by giving it a gentle tug every now and then :)

Such a fun little activity for the family. Now I am thinking we should invest in a bigger and much cooler kite!


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