You would think that by the time you get to college, you would have learned how to successfully make a bag of popcorn. You would also be wrong. My hall smells like burnt popcorn and I cannot even count the number of times res halls have been evacuated for POPCORN. I mean, really, all you have to do is push the "popcorn" button on the microwaves (yes! there's a button on these ones!). Apparently that is too complicated for these women. You'd think with such intellect and academic rigour, they could easily make popcorn.
Then again, I have trouble figuring out which way doors open, so who am I to talk?
Also! I work for a publishing company and am now an agony aunt of sorts on our website (which I also helped to design- but not coding or anything, just the ideas). Go to and go to Ask Olivia! That's me! Alright, so it may not be that cool, but I was pretty excited.
Also, I am giving a tour of the science center tomorrow for SOC prospies! I am going to be the best tour guide ever!