Mar 15, 2009 00:23
If you've ever played Ikaruga, you'd notice that there's a certain one-ness to the game that can only be thought of as amazing. This is a game that requires one to be quick-thinking both defensively and offensively. One must be fierce, yet know when one must pull back. And to further strengthen the symbolism, they even went so far as to make you switch between light and dark - yin and yang - to endure the trials that await you. You continue on and have no regrets when you die because you persevered.
This is the first game I've ever played that has ever made me think of where I stand religiously. That's not something a game should do. But to be honest, that's why I love it.
I give it a perfect score. Pick it up on Xbox Live Arcade, Gamecube, or even the Dreamcast for those people who want to be really fuckin' hardcore. You'll be doing yourself the greatest favor ever, and you may very well reach zen, as well.