Nov 20, 2009 21:06
Mmmmmm. I made meatloaf. And it was surprisingly tasty. Was it due to the seasoned tomato salad used instead of tomato and onions? The HP sauce instead of BBQ sauce? The carrots and chard? The whiskey instead of vermouth? Hmmmm. I have no idea, but it worked, and was good. Next time, I'll remember the egg. It could do to be a bit more dry.
Assignment 4 was a Compass Rule Adjustment. I know how to do it. It wasn't the process that was screwing me up. It was the basics of finding the darn bearings! I thought, ok, need to find exterior angles, back azimuth, turn angle, etc. That was 3 days ago. Then, 2 days ago, I thought, oh, no, it must be interior angles, because it doesn't matter if we turn angles right or not. THEN, yesterday, I tried other crap. Only to have to re-do it again today when I realised that I was right on Tuesday, but I didn't run with adjusted angles. Crap. *head/desk*
I need to finish labs 2-4, 7, 8 and tomorrow we're doing lab 9. Labs 2-4 are easy; the professor lost mine and 2 other people's calculations, so we can either redo them for extra credit or get 90s, as that was the class average, and what our group got. I prefer credit, especially since I understand the concepts so much more now. 7 is time-consuming and 8, I don't understand at all. But that's what I get for missing class!
Off to do more boring stuff.
Sleep well, everyone!
daily bore,
that lovely scent in the house,
that education-y type thingy