I wanna go back to school just for the drinking

Sep 10, 2005 19:14

Well it was a rather eventful night to say the least. Since Fshaw had to go out to the farm again (when did he become Old MacDonald?) I was left sitting waiting for a lil while before we got on the road. Not wanting to waste valuable drinking time I figured it would be a good idea to start early, so before we even got to Winnipeg I had finished a 26 of whiskey. We get to Holly and Kaeleigh's place or "the Dancehall" as it is known in some circles at around 8:30ish. The drinking didn’t even skip a beat, and neither did the debauchery. At one point Holly and Fshaw retreated to Holly's bedroom for some serious dry humping and spriggs swooped down on Fshaws leg with a cheese grater cutting him up. After that attack Fshaw wised up and shut the door to holly's room but not being smart he neglected to lock it a move that would prove to be costly. Because I proceeded to tell spriggs to take off his clothes and do a belly flop onto Holly and Fshaw, and what a belly it was. Fshaw was pissed but then Holly came out of the room laughing her ass off at least someone knows funny when she sees it. Also during this time I think I got my very first male groupie. Cause at one point, I'm not sure what it was I said but Barney looked at me and said "dude I just want to be with you all the time and just listen to what you say, cause you say the coolest stuff" I fount that to be quite the compliment but I'm sure if he actually did hang out with me all the time he would grow to hate my guts after he witnessed the seedy underbelly that is Ollie. so we pre game it at the dance hall for a bit, long enough for me to see Aaron shotgun a bottle of beer in one of the most complicated displays ever, like why not just drink the god damn thing like a normal human being. After the pre game had commenced it was time for the big game. I stumbled around at the social for a bit saw a few familiar faces and then I saw him, the wild man Justin. This kid was out of control.
So I talk to him for a bit but every time a girl comes within an earshot of us he grabs her and yells "See this guy, He's In a band. They just got off tour"
I played along with most of it but then he did it to this one really hot girl who I didn’t much feel like lying to (Fucking Morals) So after she pulls me aside and asks me all wide eyed and excited if I'm in a band again I level with her and say that I'm not really. I might as well have told her that her parents are dead because her expression just dropped she went from being happy and soaking wet over my lead singing ass to being bitchy and dryer than the Sahara. She seriously looked at me and said "Oh you’re not really in a band? Well talk to me when you are" and then she walked away. Next time I'm just going with it. "Ya I’m in a band and we're kickass" So after being abused by the hot groupie chick I wandered some more and had another girl come up to me and say to me totally out of the blue "you look like your from portage" I wasn’t to sure how to respond to that. Not sure if it was supposed to be a compliment or an insult but she just said it and walked away, Kind of weird. Other things about the social include me being used a human stripper pole by the Dancehall twins Holly and Kaeleigh. Kaeleigh Barney and Holly telling me they have the perfect girl for me and then telling me that she is a total dick bucket, she was hot though. And the best thing ever was seeing two girls wearing skirts that looked more like wide belts bending over at the waste and checking out their asses and legs with Holly and Kaeleigh. It was a knuckle biter. So the social ends and I turned bitter for some reason, I’m not sure why so don’t ask but I was pissed off at something. I'm sleeping at spriggs place so we make our way to casa Del spriggs. I’m forced to sleep on his mingin ass couch with his equally mingin cat. I got to sleep around 4 woke up at 6 cause I rolled over onto the cat in my sleep and it bit me. Then I was woken up at 9 am by the sound of about 3 fire trucks zipping by doing that god awful honking sound they do like we hear the siren is it really needed to make the goose on crack honk you guys got going on there. That’s about it from my end. Fun time was had by all and I’ll do it again whenever I’m welcome back. And this time yes I will be in a band.
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