Sometimes when I am getting bored of raw apples i treat myself with this dessert. It's really perfect recipe for those who hate cooking and love everything to be fast and easy. So what we gonna need?
Some apples and cinnamon :) and baking tray and oven :)
Just bake them in heated oven (230°C) for 20 minutes or so.
Then they will look like on a pic above. And your dessert is totally ready to eat.
And the best thing is, that I can eat all of them and still lose weight anyway ;) It's super sweet to me as is.
But if you feel like it is not enough sweet for you, then it's ok to add some honey on top of it after baking when it cools down a bit.
P.S. you can also bake plums, peaches and appricots and pears and so on. :)