I just got back from having my old cat Celery put to sleep...he was 15 yrs. old and in renal failure so it wasn't unexpected but still hard...I was really hoping he'd just pass on in his sleep last nite...it's so much easier that way.
Yesterday though he got to spend the day laying in the sun in "his" boat...his favorite place! :-)
Celery was one of many kittens born here to a feral female that I could not catch or trap to have spayed...I caught every other cat, raccoon and possum around but not her...she was a wiley one!
Anyway, I tamed all her babies and had them spayed/neutered and he's one of the last 3.
A little red headed girl from SC named him...why Celery? I have no idea...from the mind of a 4 yr. old!
He was totally deaf (born that way) and you always knew where he was because he meowed SO loudly...guess he didn't know how loud he was! I'd watch him sleep and wonder what it must be like to be able to sleep so soundly with no noise to interrupt.
He was a sweet boy that loved to be picked up and carried around and he was no light weight!
So RIP my sweet, lovable boy.