I haven't been here for awhile and unfortunately I'm here today with sad news. My funny little Wilbur cat has passed on. :-(
I went out yesterday morning to take care of my "barn" boys and 3 of them jumped down (off their blanketed chaise) but Wilbur did not...he had passed in his sleep all snuggled up with his brothers. He was 15 yrs. old and was fine the night before so I'm guessing it was his heart.
Now I'm saddened by the passing of any and all of my furries but some are more painful than others...some you just have a deeper connection with and Wilbur was one of those.
First of all it was the summer right after my husband had died of a heart attack and in the turmoil I had neglected to get Skinny Minnie (Wilbur's mother) spayed in time. So when he was born he was the last of 6 and the runt...his mother was either too tired by then or thought something was wrong with him and didn't get the sac off his little face...luckily I was right there to do it so I saw him take his first little breath!
This litter was a godsend to me at that time in my life as of course there's nothing cuter or funnier than kittens and no kitten was ever funnier than Wilbur...he was just a little comedian in kitten skin!
So, rest in peace my little funny face...see you on the other side. ;-)