I sorta like frogs :)

Oct 10, 2009 23:57

Не знаю, что это и кто автор:

- Let my people go, - said Joshua, as Moses.
- Okay.
- You can't just say, 'Okay'.
- I can't?
- No, the Lord has hardened your heart against my demands.
- Why'd he do that?
- I don't know, he just did. Now, let my people go.
- Nope. - I crossed my arms and turned away like someone whose heart is hardened.
- Behold as I turn this stick into a snake. Now, let my people go!
- Okay.
- You can't just say 'okay'!
- Why? That was a pretty good trick with the stick.
- But that's not how it goes.
- Okay. No way, Moses, your people have to stay.
Joshua waved his staff in my face.
- Behold, I will plague you with frogs. They will fill your house and your bedchamber and get on your stuff.
- So?
- So that's bad. Let my people go, Pharaoh.
- I sorta like frogs.
- Dead frogs, - Moses threatened. - Piles of steaming, stinking dead frogs.
- Oh, in that case, you'd better take your people and go. I have some sphinxes and stuff to build anyway.
- Dammit, Biff, that's not how it goes! I have more plagues for you.
- I want to be Moses.
- You can't.
- Why not?
- I have the stick.
- Oh.

Кажется, это отрывок из чего-то художественного, где разыгрывается библейский сюжет про казни египетские.

UPD: Это "Евангелие от Шмяка, друга детства Иисуса Христа", автор - Кристофер Мур. Книгу можно прочитать здесь:
Спасибо olgamma за подсказку!
Убираю свой корявый перевод, куда мне тягаться с Максом Немцовым.
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