(no subject)

May 26, 2006 22:03

today was pretty much the Best Day Ever.
1. left the house at 8 am, only got to chem 5 minutes late

2. forgot my gym clothes because i left so late, prayed that after test we wouldnt have to exercise

3. had to copy a math worksheet, someone had left 30 cents in the copy machine so i got it for free

4. math fine, global: so good to have jana lucash back. i want to do washsem next year.

5.salad with vicky m, argus (i'm looking forward to next year so much)(but not so much to beef jerky)(can we do some sort of tofu alternative? carrot jerky?)

6.english - i love analyzing borges, it becomes so much better.

7. gym - test! no exercise! so lucky

8. thinking of witty dot-commie positions (JOIN)

9. spanish was fine

10.emma and me crosstowned, dropped off my stuff at the casa, got some flor de mayo/empire schezuan, went to union square. we bought some stuff at the greenmarket, i got store credit, and we tried to find the movie theater to see l'enfant. SO LUCKY we didnt find it (quad cinemas) until 15 minutes past when the movie started because we got to Kinky Boots RIGHT ON TIME.
it was so good. a) the guy is so kaw-yoote. b) it was enlightening to figure out how boots are made. c) all the actors were so good. d) awesome. generally, just so good. not so dissectable ('fascinating juxtaposition of plotline and character analysis') but excellence. the most incredible part was that the closing song was YES SIR I CAN BOOGIE. it absolutely cemented the amazitude of today.
then we saw incredible posters and my personal favorite:

Launderers from another era...
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