a few pressing matters...

Apr 30, 2006 14:12

a. what makes rye bread rye bread? is it rye in the flour, or the caroway seeds in the bread itself? if my bread tasted ryesque but didnt have seeds, was it still rye bread? why are they called caroway seeds and not rye seeds? what is a rye anyway? if a body catch a body???

b. yesterday was fun. we went to the galleries, and we saw some really cool things, like these awesome photographs, and this video of a roll of toilet paper that just kept rolling and being slowly depleted; these really cool resin-encased painting type things which it turned out were made by this brazilian israeli artist who was there in the gallery because it was the last day it would be up, so we met her and she was really nice and stuff; mad basquiat; and coolest of all, this artist who made food out of cloth, such as a hamburger made out of silk and then so she would sew in brown the buns and sew on little sesame seeds, and then seperately she would make the bun and the onions. or in one case, she made the ingredients for a sandwich. in another, a banana split. it was excellent, mostly because it was cool and also simply because, it was food. i think you all know my feelings about food. sadly, i couldnt think of anything to write about in a food-based observer column, so i just applied for features editor and thats it. but hopefully, my extracurrics next year will be awesome anyways.

c. my extracurriculah plans for next year:
-anthropology internship, and i googled the curators for anthropology at the natural history and they all seem hella interesting and yeah, i hope it works out
-huns if i get in hopefully (is it hard to get in?)
-observer editor (maybe? i ran into natasha and kirsten on the street yesterday near columbia since they were doing the science test thing, and so maybe natasha will be all like 'ruthie? i ran into her on saturday, and so...she would be the perfect observer features editor!'. i hope!)
-big sibs if ms reifer likes me
-maybe track but it seems a bit unlikely
-one of the theater productions? if i get in though, and i dont know exactly how that might work out.

but so, i plan to be super busy but its all good because it sounds fun and i want to anthro internship next year so i can do something else senior year. lucash was telling my mom about some sort of internship she wanted me to do in senior year, but the mama didnt remember what it was. anyways, next year sounds awesome minus the intense junior workload, and so i want this year to be at the stage where its almost over already. these next two weeks are not going to be so lovely. huge chem test, math test, global test, dbq, metamorphosis fle, art quiz, spanish test etcetera. oh well!

this is a pretty boring entry. so i will leave it with something more interesting:

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