Sick :(

Aug 29, 2007 20:56

I've been feeling under the weather the past few days.

I had a great weekend - the girl I'm subletting from was back visiting, along with a couple other friends of her and my roomate. It was a full weekend of eating, drinking, and general merriness, but apparently in the process I picked up some sort of cold/flu virus.

However, this has given me the opportunity to experience two very lovely Dutch things:
1. The "if you're not well, you're not well, go home and don't stress about the work you're not doing!" attitude.**

2. VLA!!! A delicious Dutch dessert that is a cross between custard, yogurt, and pudding. Comes in all sorts of fruity flavors as well as good old vanilla and CHOCOLATE (obviously my favorite.)

**The full effect of number 1 has not set in, mainly because both of my direct supervisors are American, and haven't yet come to fully embrace said Dutch attitude. Or at least in my head I still feel guilty for not working even remotely as hard when I'm healthy as they do when they're sick.

Not only did I take a day and a half off for illness, but I have the equivalent of 2 days of training on all sorts of bizarre trial-related computer programs this week. So, not gonna be the most productive week of work there ever was. But every once in a while I suppose it has to be that way. And next week I'll be far from bored, trying to catch up on it all!

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