Sep 11, 2004 14:37
Today, I went up to Cumming to get my license renewed. Took about 25 minutes to get there, 45 minutes to get my crap done, and about another 25 to get back home. So an hour and a half well-spent, I'd say. Registered to vote while I was at it, too -- so now my long term list o' things to get done:
Register for Selective Service (yäk!) [check]
Renew Driver's License [check]
Register to vote [check]
Apply to Georgia Tech [check]
Find some more colleges to apply to [no check]
So I seem relatively set as far as my long-term goals are concerned. w00t.
Behind me at the DMV was a guy relaying his own personal 9/11 story to the guy next to him -- nothing real special, just another "when it happened I was mowing the lawn in my backyard" type of story. I don't think I'll ever forget where I was on September 11, 2001. I was at school, in French class. I didn't realise the magnitude of what happened until I saw it on TV in jazz band. One hell of a day, that. A French Newspaper's headline the next day read "Nous sommes tous Americans."
Et aujourd'hui, nous nous souvenons.
Tänään muistamme.
One of the most horrible, most wrenching days in recent US history, and we watched it on television.
Too bad it's now a political statement.