Looking at photos of
Airsoft/strikeball matches, I wonder about the best ways to learn about camouflage, tracking, orienteering and small group tactics in the US civilian context. Suggestions? Reaching Plaster's book just gave me a hint of how much I don't know.
Tactical Tracking Operations by David Scott Donelan
One of the best available for E & E tactics -
The Special Forces Guide to Escape and Evasion by Will Fowler
About camouflage - there are a number of books out there as well as military 'notes' ( booklets, really,) some available online, but may I offer a suggestion? Check out sporting goods dealers who sell hunting equipment. If you find a few tips that will help you escape the notice of a deer, elk or other such animal, then you can almost assuredly evade human detection.
Another note - although ghillie suits are fine for 'mission specific' use, I tend to lean toward using other means that are more easily carried in the field. Clothing, of course, matching locale; face paint, sure. But also burlap, netting, sniper veil and learning to use local natural elements. Some of the WWII snipers carried a makeshift 'hide' made of an umbrella carcass which they would cover with brush, greenery, loose fabric and snow - whatever the moment called for.
Several good sniping books available on this topic, but again, unless you are going into an AO as a sniper or part of a scout sniper team, you may want something more easily carried, stowed or discarded in emergency, than full sniper regalia.
Just a thought. Keep up the phenomenal work.And btw - HOW do you manage, year after year, to attract the most beautiful, stunning ladies to model for you? It must be a gift!!
all the best,
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