Strength in diversity

Apr 15, 2015 12:02

Originally published at VolkStudio Blog. You can comment here or there.

Wondering around the NRA show and socializing with my friends and colleagues reminded me again just how varied and friendly the American shooters are. A monoculture may have the perceived advantage of default cohesiveness, but conformity usually is enforced subtly yet strongly behind the scenes. In my world, conformity isn’t a virtue. The premium is placed on treating others with consideration and respect, and on being supportive of those who aren’t welcomed by the mainstream. A clear example was the enthusiastic welcome received by Pink Pistols members at shooting events nationwide compared to the lukewarm or even hostile reception at Pride events in states like California.

Be friendly and be safe. Creed, ethnicity, sex, age, martial status, other traits besides those that violate the “safe and friendly” requirements, are of no consequence at the range. We welcome one and all.

rkba, weapon, interesting people, self-defense

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