Хумусный манифест - Майкл Айзенберг

Jul 12, 2010 22:28

Привожу сочные куски из блог-поста Майкла Айзенберга, партнера в венчурном фонде, о состоянии дел в части израильской хайтек-индустрии.

We are in need of a wake up call, a call to arms to fundamentally retool our technology industry from the ground up. It has atrophied at all levels.

Происходит распыление сил и таланта инженеров на короткоживущие микроскопические стартапы

In Israel, the two man start up is not a path to building the next Facebook but, rather it has become a path to a 5 person company who will try to sell its feature quickly.

В качестве примера Айзенберг приводит пример нехватки специалистов в области масштабирования интернет-приложений. Ему этот пример особенно близок еще и потому, что одна из портфельных компаний его фонда испытывает трудности с наймом дополнительных спецов:

...When scale is the name of the game in cloud computing, Saas, internet and software development, we are a country of midgets.
...Thank God that the tax authorities did not drive the online gambling companies to Gibraltar or there would be almost no scalability experts around.

I met a few weeks ago with a senior engineer who left Google to start a company. He is Israeli. I asked him: Are you setting up R&D in Israel. He said flat out "no." I asked why and his retort is shocking but not surprising: "The talent for core scalability and software platform development does not exist in Israel. Too few C++ programmers and no experience in scaling internet apps. I can even find more in New York(!). They (Israeli engineers) can prototype stuff in VB and Dot-net (курсив мой - О.) but cannot build scalable internet apps. Franlky, even side projects are not worth doing in Israel any more because it is not cheaper."

Ищем виновных.

"Гранаты не той системы" - нездоровое предрасположение армии и правительства к микрософтовским технологиям

in Israel Microsoft smartly trains our soldiers in Army intelligence units on Microsoft technologies who then take the Dot-net gospel to the halls of government and start ups. In other countries, the universities like Stanford, MIT and Cambridge are the main source of engineers so you can just open different courses. But not here.<...>

....our talent is focused on the wrong technologies. <...> No internet-scale start up in Silicon Valley is developing on Dot-Net and C#. Yet, in the Zionist republic of Microsoft, all of our engineers are Dot-net addicts. The Israeli Army is a Microsoft colony.

... Because of our unique structure of army-bred entrepreneurship, the technology decisions made in the Defense Ministry and in the halls of government, dramatically impact the expertise of our developers.

....Our government is a Microsoft addict. This year they canceled the paltry 1M NIS budget to fund the open source office alternative translation to Hebrew. Nobody in the government computer department can even spell open source. They prefer the Bill Gates or Steve Balmer Photo-op rather than advancing technology. Ask Minister Micky Eitanwhat it is like to get an open source project done in the Government computer center, otherwise known as Redmond-East. Italian strikes and immense pressure not to let open source inside the government cathedral is what our elected minister got....

Полностью здесь: http://sixkidsandafulltimejob.blogspot.com/2010/07/hummus-manifesto-part-1.html

индустрия, интернет, Израиль

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