punkimonki in the group
hanson Why do Hanson fans ALWAYS fight over everything? This has to be one of
the most dedicated fan groups ever, and yet everyone only seems to
fight over everything. Anytime someones posts something, it turns into
a battlefield. Numerous people i know don't post stuff here becuase
they are sick and tired of the backlash.
I mean i always see
posts about people stealing other peoples stuff, and such. And i just
want to know why people do that. I am sure that if asked, people won't
mind you using their stuff, i find it as a complement. To think that
someone like your thing enough to use it is nice for me.
I want
to know why people always fight. We are a mintory today, and we should
be nice to each other becuase we are few and far between. I mean I am
the only fan i know who lives in San Jose, the only one in my entire
school. So i have to talk to you guys online to find stuff out. But its
always nag nag fight fight all over the place.
I always see
the same fights over the same things. Hanson's Family, Hancest and
people opinions. Its almsot like becuase we are Hanson fans, we don't
have an opinion, and i think that is bullshit.
I perosnally
think that Hanson Fans in general have Perma PMS. We are also older,
this isn't 1997, we aren't between 0 and 15 or however old we were. We
need to grow up, they did, so should we.
I don't care if you
don't agree with me. I am just asking a question and stating my
opinion. If you don't agree, that is fine with me. If you want to tell
me you hate me, fine, its online, it doesn't make a difference to me.
As i said, this is just how i see it.
(end her rant)
Okay, so if you were to read that, wuoldn't you find a lot of that shit
true?? I mean, hanson fans fight over so much small stuff. Not a lot of
people like hanson anymore and so y ou'd think that us, being the
dedicated fans we are, wuold all stick together to love them.... thats
what you'd think maybe, but it doesn't seem to be that way....
and i kinda wonder why, but then again, i've given up on wondering too, cause it goes nowhere.