
Nov 20, 2009 06:31

I double posted.

Well, that's what happens when you're run ragged all week setting up a clients office.

They had old Win98 systems and even a dot matrix printer running, and we replaced them with brand new Win7 systems and laser printers.

Nothing in their office had been upgraded in +10years or more.

We get everything up and running by wednesday night, and then thursday morning, their Unix server craps out!

Which is important because they use it for medical billing.

We think it got hit by a power spike.

I didn't leave work until 7:30 last night.

I get home, see the txt from my nephew, run over to my sis's with her spare laptop that my dad was using, as she needs a Mac for grades for her school... I finally got home around 9 last night.

It's been a rough week!

TGIF bigtime!
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