
Jul 01, 2012 22:35

A scene from the Boyd Knows Best verse; this is not included in the story Boyd Knows Best.  Since that story is primarily written through Boyd's viewpoint; he would not have seen this. Derek checks on Stiles, and they argue a little bit.

Teen Wolf is the property of Jeff Davis and MTV.

Derek circled the block, keeping his sense open to find traces that the Kanima may have followed the teen home.  He could hear Stiles coughing and wheezing in his room.  Derek also knew that Stiles was alone; neither the Sheriff nor Scott were with him.  He snarled silently; angered that Scott would leave his friend alone after tonight.

Once Derek was sure the neighborhood and surrounding ones were clear he hopped onto the roof.  Stiles’ window was always unlocked and tonight was no exception.

“You need to lock your window.”  He ordered as he slides the window closed.  Stiles head popped up from his nest of blankets.

“Derek,”  Stiles coughed. “What brings you here.”

“You’re sick.”  He handed over the glass of water from the desk.  Stiles gave him a weak glare, but he took a drink anyway.

“Human, I get sick.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“What?”  Stiles sat up cradling his glass.  “That I’m sick.  I’m pretty sure I’m sick.  I went to the Doctor to get it confirmed.”  He waved his hand at the prescription bottles on his desk.  “Drugs for it and everything.”

“No,”  Derek paced to the wall his irritation plain to see.  “You are sick, because of me.”

“werewolves can get sick?”

“No!”  Derek snapped.  “Because you were in the pool for so long.”

“Oh, no that’s not your fault.”  Stiles tried to ignore the glare aimed his way.  “I choose to go into the pool, and the Kanima was the one, you know, circling it.”

“I had Erica force you into the pool room.”

“Fine, it’s your fault.  Can I go back to sleep now?”

“You weren’t sleeping.”

“Creeper.”   Stiles mumbled.  He set the glass on his headboard and started burrowing into the covers.  Derek stayed silent, eyes looking at the laptop with the open page of the bestiary on it.

“Have you found anything about the Kanima?”
“Huh?”  Stiles grunted.  “The Kanima?”


“Oh, yeah, no.”  Stiles stumbled over his words for a moment.  “It’s in a form of Latin, but I haven’t found a way to successful translate it yet.”  The teen pushed himself back up. “Why?”
Derek ignored Stiles’ question to ask his own.

“How did you know we had Jackson?”

“You’re kind of predictable.” Stiles mumbled, “Someone you bites doesn’t join up with your werewolf gang.  You’re going to assume it is him or Lydia.  So predictable.”  Derek frowned at the human.

“Either of them could be the Kanima.”

“Or not?”  Stiles pointed out.

“You’re trying to protect your crush.”  Derek loomed over the seated teen.  “She is the best for being the Kanima.”

“She’s not a killer.”

“She could be.  You don’t know her well enough.”

“She’s sixteen.”  Stiles pushed himself from the bed; ignoring the way his chest felt heavy from the pneumonia.

“She’s the Kanima”  Derek snapped, stepping into the teen’s space.  He stared down at Stiles, but the sick teen did not back down.

“What if you’re wrong?”  Stiles hissed.  Derek jerked back and stormed to the window keeping his back to Stiles.

“I have a way to test her.”

“and if you’re wrong about the test.  Can you live with that fact you killed a sixteen year old girl?”  The werewolf growled, his shoulders knotting with tension.  “Derek,”  Stiles briefly touched the wolf’s shoulder before letting his hand fall away.  “You can’t be wrong about this.  She has no idea about any of this.  You’ll be killing someone who is clueless about werewolves and hunters.”  Stiles watched the wolf climb back through his window leaving the teen alone.  He waited a few minutes before closing and locking his window.

Outside Derek waited for the lock to click into place before during another circuit around the neighborhood and heading home.  Back in Stiles room, the teen flipped open the notebook on top of his dresser.  He traced the words slowly.

“Where the wolf seeks a pack; the Kanima seeks a friend.”

“She isn’t the Kanima.  She has a friend.”  Stiles closed the book back up and climbed back into bed.  Tomorrow he needed to be ready for whatever Derek and his pack had readied.

teen wolf, fanfiction

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