bang bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich

Feb 22, 2009 12:37

VACATION is finally here, now I can ramble about lots of things.
  • damn my sister and her series. i like gossip girl now. :)  chuck and eric FTW! i loved the 2 last eps of season 1!
  • i actually think i'm gonna start on some icons. i know, miracles can still happen. x)
  • tuesday, my friends are coming over! first, we're gonna work for school (it's so k!"ai"kls^q#é& that they've given us so much work!!!) but in the afternoon we're gonna do singstar! too bad our living room isn't soundproof. x) with a little luck, you'll be able to hear us in your country! :D
  • thursday was an awesome day at school. we decided to enter a contest with our class for 'bullybeaters' on tmf. you have to design a t-shirt against bullying & the best are printed on actual t-shirts! so during french, we got to work on that. it was so cool and we laughed a lot! we eventually came up with 3 ideas. (yes, we are over achievers. xD) the first was "stop met me uit te kakken" which means as much as "stop talking shit about me" with a guy crawling out of a toilet. the second was "stop met mij te kloten of een stamp in u noten" = "stop messing with me or get kicked in the nuts" with a squirrel (the ice-age one!) holding 2 nuts. and the last one, i actually came up with: "pesten, niet hier of maak kennis met de stier" = "no bullying here or meet the bull" with of course a bull. it sounds better in dutch, actually. :D
  • from now on, every week i'm gonna post a quote or picture or something else of the week thing. it think that's fun so don't judge me. :P
  • i've also been working on a fanfic for a couple weeks now, busy typing it. :)


tv is excellent for me, icons in the making, jana's world should have more ducks, school is probably useful

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