Hospital Visit

Feb 09, 2006 16:28

3.5 hours in the hospital.. hooked up to Iv's, 2 bags of fluids, 1 bag of penicillin, an ECG, cause my heart rate was going 3 times faster then normal.. anyway, the dr thought it was mono, turns out I have a case of strep throat which is 3 times worse then the normal case of it, so usually youd take 2 pills twice a day, i had to get liquid so I could swallow it in small doses.. he couldnt believe it, i woke up on tuesday with a sore throat, yesterday it was worse, I was up allllllll last night cause i couldnt swallow, or walk, im too weak, my ears hurt, my head feels like 100 lbs, so im just to take it easy and take lots of advil and this medicine stuff and get a lot of fluids in me so i dont get dehydrated again.. or i could end up back in the hospital.. whne im feeling better ill update about other stuff!
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