Aug 18, 2005 09:31
I dont know what to say, I couldnt even imagine as to what I would feel in such a situation like this. I am at a lose for words. We can all sit here and complain about our lives and we can all sit here and bitch and moan about what we wish we had, when their was an innocent little boy, fighting for his life. Things like this happen everyday, but to me, they make absolutly no sense. I cant even begin to feel what everyone is feeling in this sitution, They say everything happens for a reason and it was just his time, but no it wasnt, he had so much ahead of him. Just from reading about him and Doug and Sue and Dan and everyone, the whole family seemed so full of life, so amazing, wonderful great people. I will never understand why things like this happen.
I am really at a lose for words, so with all of this said, Sue and family and Kasie and Jace, you are all in my thoughts! If at all anytime, any of you need to talk, vent, just let anything out, I am here for you to talk to.
Take care!