Modern Shit?

Sep 06, 2005 01:00

What would be like without Modern Shit? I was thinking as I tried to sleep relatively early tonight since I was tired of having my eyes radiated by the dim blue glow of either my computer screen of the TV screen. I read The History of God for a while but my mind became numb after trying to graps how the Holy Trinity of the Father, Sun, andn HOly Spirit came to being. As most people don't realize, Christianity is something man-made, as so the Holy Bible itself (Himself with a capital H would be more polilitcally correct since the Bible is a living BEING). Anyways back to my point of what life would be without modern shit, particualary college life. Remember back in my days of the dorm, what do the majority of college students do anyhoo? Its not reading a book or studying, only the asians do that. Its being on the goddammed computer or watching the Televis since its too early to get hammered. Do people really talk to other people? All this new technology (internet, digital cable, DVDs) only resulted on people becoming more anti-social, reclusive, and being able to be satisified with masturabating all day and night without being worn out because they have downloaded enough porn to satisfy every ejaculation. Modern shit (short for all the inventions mentioned) only enabled people to life solitary lives relatively "fun" since there are now millions of outlets for entertainment without a need for a partner. So why would a college student ever need a new friend when there are millions of them online in AIM? Or fellow gamers awaiting for them to log in on World of Warcraft?

The only other time "typical" college students can be social is during states of absoluted hammeredness or highness. This doesn't really count because it was induced by foreign substances, alcohol/drugs, all too common on campuses across the US. Alcohol is what enables the average man to get into an above average woman's pants. Without alcohol, most of us would be celebrit. I guess at least alcohol is good one for thing, it lets people talk to each other and actually congregate elsewhere because an online chatroom. Its the thing that lets loose any reluctance to talk and let people say what they really think and feel. So alcohol is the crutch for the socially inept so praise be to alcohol.

so what woudl college students do without modern shit and alcohol? Nobody would be having sex, watching tv, surfing the web...all these activities which consume 95% of college life. I've noticed that almost everybody has too much time on their hands. This time is something we take for granted and alocate it to mundane activities such as the ones described. however, what else could people do? for some reason it seems as if there is nothing better to do. These activities are something people can do anytime and in the convience of the own home. it seems as if other, more adventureous things are always too far away, too hot, too cold, or too pussy. I feel as if I am wasiting precious time if I am just being ont he computer because I am neither helping myself nor others. I always liked talking to people and never considered that a waste of time since its part of human nature to be social beings and mingle with others of the same species. I feel that these electronic devices are rapidly becoming replacements for real life friends since computer + fast internet = instant e-friends. It discourages people to actually go out and take risk of trying to talk to real people since it is so much safer trying to make new friends online than in real life since there is a barrier guarding against rejection. I feel dissatisfied now whenever I try to reconnect with people via AIM vs trying to reconect the old fashioned way.

I am not saying I hate the computer, since I've growned dependent on it for so many things. THe one thing that it does better than real life is shopping, which isn't so bad since shopping is somethign the consumer culture wants us to do (another story to be told later). I just am scared of how it might affect former, current, and future/potential friends of mine since it makes finding new friends in college so much harder. Its more difficutl to actually meet and talk to people that are in their rooms on their computers than it is to meet people who hang out in public lounges w/o one. However, the computer has a way of entertaining me for hours wihtout ever realizing it. It can play manly man games with you, take to all around the world, and even SUCK your dick.

Well I guess thats all the easily expelled steam I have about this subject. Sorry everybody for this long, convoluted entry. It was just something I was thinking about that couldn't let me sleep until I tried turning abstract thoughts into more concrete writing. I guess deep down inside, I still care about all my younger underclassmen CAMS friends, same aged 04 CAMs peeps...and was thinking that this computer problem can be troublesome for myself just as it is for others.
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