I don't really know what's going on with those tickets. I'm more than likely going to court about it, but I don't know what the outcome will be. My dad's lawyer is helping me out so hopefully I won't get my license suspended. I don't really drive around Philly at all, but I wouldn't be able to go home on the weekends and that's shitty. This week hasn't been so bad. I think when it's nice out I'm considerably less grouchy. School is pretty hectic right now. I don't really sleep anymore so my sleep cycle is crazy. Tuesday was Valentine's day and I went to HANA with Rachel. I love that place and she makes me happy, it was a good time. I'm going to kidnap her soon, but she doesn't know it. I'm feeling that tylenol now so I'm going to bed. Keep an eye out for a later post. Doughty has some online forum where he's putting some of his movies up and offered to host my movies for free. If you haven't seen any of my work yet you'll probably fall in love with me...more.
Don't you wish you were my Valentine so I could make you art like this?