Aug 04, 2004 03:31
i just got done watching some of the 3 o'clock news and there was another story on national security woes. you might ask yourself "matt why is this important?" i'll tell you friend. the on site reporter's last name was weiner! i need to get out of the house more. my knee is on the path to recovery. i'd say its about 75% so i should be able to drive real soon. the last month of my life was a rediculous, medicated, 'tard filled waste. before the summer comes you always think its going to be the best one ever. very rarely does it meet expectations. i'm finally getting a somewhat job soon. i'm going to be in charge of making videos and dvds of music academy shows. i'm pretty happy about that. i have no idea how much money i'll get, but any money is good money. there are so many things to write about but i don't want to because i have to go to bed because i'm hanging out with my grandma's sister tomorrow who i don't think i've ever met. all of you hang out with me soon and save my summer.