Apr 02, 2012 16:45
Like OH EM GEE!!! XXX is so like teh the best in bed. He’s like uber great and last night was the best woo sex ever. ß What people say about themselves when they can’t get anyone else to. Then Repeat 100x a day and put on special filters so no one knows they posted it 100 x that day.
I AM A GOD. You’re not because I am a God and I know this shit. You don’t know this shit at all. ß What insecure twats say when someone on their F-list does something you wish you’d thought of.
You know you can trust me. You’re just venting and we won’t tell anyone. ßWhat assholes say when they are setting you up.
I had a bad feeling… ß I would love to say this is a Star Wars misquote, but it’s really what someone says when they did what they wanted, changed their minds and don’t want their f-list to think they fell for anything.
I have a lot of filters. ßThis means A) I’ve been fucked over many times and I don’t trust you B) I’m a jerk who only shows you pieces of myself so you think I’m a great person. C) I want to talk shit about you behind your back. D) All of the above.
I disabled my PM’s for those not on my F-list. ßWhat people do when they want the last word or are too chicken shit to deal with the bullshit they caused.
I can’t believe I let_________or I had a__________ on my journal. ßThis is what victims do when they are pissed at people. If you say this once or twice in a long while it’s believable, but when you do it monthly? C’mon this is a professional victim at work.
I was planning to unfriend them anyway. ßWhat someone who can’t admit they were wrong says when they went ballistic on someone who didn’t deserve it.
I’m going to talk shit now that you’re off my f-list. ß What a jerkoff does when he knows the other can’t defend themselves.
The Protector and the Battered One. ß A system dynamic that allows one system to be an asshole and beg forgiveness at the same time. He did it, not me!!! (I guess we forget that A SYSTEM is responsible for A SYSTEM if they weren’t, you wouldn’t unfriend the whole clan when you got pissed at ONE of them.)
My System is so different; it’s…. ß What a self-centered System says about themselves when in fact they are on average, very similar to those around them and can’t handle it. They think if they say it enough everyone will be believe them; they’re almost right. Some do.
I hate him; he’s so arrogant. ßWhat a person says when they really liked someone who didn’t like them as much or if they are trying to get YOU to not like them.
I would never____ ß What a person thinks they won’t do until someone pushes them or they are lying to you and do it all of the time.
Changes Usernames constantly. ß What a predatory person does when they fuck with people and they want to blur their tracks.
I’m soooo speshul and if you are my friend I’ll make you speshul, too. ßWhat an emotional vampire makes you believe. They really don’t care about you; they just want your adoration. The moment you stop…
-Nick J