Title: "Informed Consent"
Fandom: Forever Knight
brightknightie (Amy R.)
pj1228Beta Readers:
Batdina and
Skieswideopen; Cheerleader:
Hearts_bloodPrompt: Nick/Janette "no restraints"
Lyrics: "Do the walls come down when you think of me / Do your eyes grow dim / Do the walls come down when you think of me / Do you let me in?"
Classifications: PG, ~2.5K words
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I'm afraid that "Informed Consent" suffered by my computer crash the weekend before the due date, and also by my participation in overlapping ficathons (Rarewomen and Oldschoolfic). I have learned lessons about both backing-up and over-committing. (And, I must admit, I was taken aback when I received the assignment. As you and I have discussed, our views could hardly be farther apart. I must remember to allow for such additional challenges when playing exchange games.) In any case. I hope to re-write and improve it before taking it to fkfic-l or the AO3.
>"I had something different in mind when I submitted the prompt..."
Yes, I guessed that; I'm sorry. I supposed that you were seeking something more akin to a fulfillment of the "Crazy Love" exchange, in which Nick insists that he must control himself, and Janette counters that he need not with her. I'm afraid that's outside my scope. I spent much of the ficathon trying to generate a story for your gen prompt, instead, but nothing came to me.
That must have been a nightmare, especially so shortly before the due date. I find the story complete as it is, but if you decide to edit, I'll be happy to read that version as well.
>And, I must admit, I was taken aback when I received the assignment<
I can imagine that was your worst nightmare came true, given the doubts you mentioned before participating in case this would happen. LOL. I'm glad though that one of the prompts clicked and this story evolved.
>Yes, I guessed that; I'm sorry. I supposed that you were seeking something more akin to a fulfillment of the "Crazy Love" exchange
That's quite all right. As I said, I'm delighted by the way you interpreted the prompt. It was very well done.
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