sign ups!

Apr 24, 2007 19:50

Dates to know:
   Signup: April 24 - May 1
   Getcher Prompt: May 3
   Story Deadline: July 1

Yay, sign up time! If you're confused about the premise, go here. Otherwise, on to more interesting things . . .

The form:

Character/Pairing you want in your story: (list between 2-5)
Preferred 'Verse/Season:
Preferred Episode: (optional)
Two Things You'd Like in Your Story:
Two Things You Would Not Like in Your Story:
Preferred Maximum Rating:

Characters You'd Like to Write: (list at least 2)
Characters You Hate to Write: (list 1-3)
Pairings You'd Like to Write: (list at least 2)
Pairings You Hate to Write: (list 1-3)
Preferred 'Verse/Season:
Preferred Episodes: (optional)
Other Comments:

Okay, I know most of you have done this a thousand times and can just run with the blank form, but for new kids or people a little confused about the fields, I've filled out a sample form with some elaboration:

Name: your pen name or LJ name
Email: so I can mail you your prompt
Character/Pairing you want in your story: Please put more than one. I doubt very much that you only like one pairing, and it gives your author more to work with. If you want gen fic, please say so.
Preferred 'Verse/Season: Ex: Angel S1, Buffy S3, any . . .
Preferred Episode: This is optional; if you really love a particular episode, perhaps your author will set the story then. It is not required of the author to do that, but it'll give them an idea of what you like.
Two Things You'd Like in Your Story: Ex: snuggling, candy; weapons, moonlight; etc.
Two Things You Would Not Like in Your Story: Ex: schmoop, Xander; magic, snow; etc.
Preferred Maximum Rating: If you don't want to read NC-17 (or whatever) please say so.

Characters You'd Like to Write: Ex: I like writing Angel, Giles, and Oz.
Characters You Hate to Write: Ex: I'm not very good at writing Cordelia or Willow.
Pairings You'd Like to Write: Ex: I like writing B/A, Willow/Oz, and Giles/Jenny.
Pairings You Hate to Write: Ex: I don't like to write Cordelia/Xander or m/m slash.
Preferred 'Verse/Season: Just tell us what seasons (and shows) you're willing to write. If you don't write Angel, here is the time to tell us.
Preferred Episodes: If there are certain episodes you feel comfortable writing in or around, please let us know.
Other Comments: This field is for other things that you think it would be important for me to know. If you hate writing slash, write that here. If you refuse to write songfic, write that here. Et cetera.


signups, admin

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