Oct 05, 2005 16:24

Well I have been thinking about this Orphas thing to much and its getting to my head 15 minutes to do whatever the fuck I WANT CRAZY! expecially giving me that time...I could do damage in that amount of time........well my first impulse was ERIK PLAY ALL ORIGINALS! and than I said to myself....Id feel to alienated and I dont wanna do that....than I CAME UP WITH A CRAZY IDEA...DO A DEAD MILKMEN SET....but that was by far to nuts and Fenster would be like WTF!....so instead I am doing two covers...of TOP SECRETNESS AND ALSO AN ORIGINAL and MAYBE another ORIGINAL....so thats like 4 songs and that will take me about 8 minutes if anyone has a cover they think I should do please let me know!......so yea.....COME TO ORPHAS in MONTGOMERY the 15th and see me rock out the acoustic I KNOW FOR DAMN SURE I WILL PROBABLY BE THE ONLY HAPPY ASSHOLE PLAYING....NOT saying there not happy people but seeing how unplugged went it will be moppy THEREFORE I SHALL MAKE IT THE OPPOSITE AND MAKE PEOPLE SAY WTF THIS IS AN ACOUSTIC SHOW for gods sake ....does anyone understand what I just wrote....?....yea thats what I thought....but it should be alot of fun and I am so happy I was asked to play....GET FUCKING COFFEE AND COME!
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