41 Words Per Minute

Nov 18, 2014 13:36

41 wpm today, according to this typing test. A little better than I thought.

I went to the food pantry/freestore/meeting place that the WUM Church sponsors today. Yesterday I posted at ontd_political in answer to a post about how ginchy the new pope is; I know for sure I've still got resentments against the dear old RCC. I said some things about what they did in the past, didn't go on to say I think it's not over. The effects are not over for me. Maybe because I do not forgive.

I know I have endless resentment problems, and I know it hurts me. I also know I've been working and working at it. I've asked for prayer. It's just that it's difficult to forgive what you don't remember. Well, I go places that are positive, to church services, I can't even go to the full ones on Sunday, but I go. And it's in with the good, out with the bad. When the bad comes out...it hurts.

It's kind of ridiculous with this place, the free store. I got a coffee cup I don't need, and a sweatshirt for my sis. I think she's good with the stuff I get her.

She does most of the work with my mom, I just neglect the hell out of the house. Well, mom always favored her, she was the baby of the two, and she put me through shit, punishing me for whatever my dad did... why did she blame what he did on me? And then she blames what she did on me? I didn't raise her and  what I did to her, is just a reflection of what she did to me, how she taught me to do things.

rcc, mnp, sis, mom

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