Megan's not dark you ignorant schmucks. listening to heavy metal and drawing doesn't make you dark!!

Jul 15, 2005 18:50


Created by pinkbabysmile and taken 8 times on bzoink!
FUNNIESTCarla and WillPREPEISTrawr KitmanSMARTESTMary-Beth and KitmanCUTESTHarry... his widdle nose!!! *pokes nose*HOTTESTCory *sigh*PRETTIESTBrittani and Megan and Shelby.. oof.. and Jackie.. pooNICESTNikkiWILDESTGabby >< and Jackie and Nikki.. schtupid smart peeplesGIRLIE GIRLValiiSCARDY CATShelby.. wootteachers petJULIA!!! >< gosh darnet, you darn suck up!like a party animalHarry,..... goo goo, gah gah
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