
Jan 19, 2009 17:35

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rp stuff, contact-ic

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Comments 5

exserpens February 4 2009, 18:19:05 UTC
[A couple of single page, glossy print ads arrive with no name or address attached:]

Ad #1
Ad #2

((ooc: More junkmail! ♥ ))


smolderingdark January 2 2010, 06:41:03 UTC
[You've got mail! It reads as follows:]

You and I are a match made in heaven, baby, like butter and popcorn.

[ooc: Axel's just playing a harmless prank. Enjoy~]


maturelildevil February 14 2010, 17:48:57 UTC
[In your mail box, you'll find a yellow rose in a very expensive crystal vase with a note attached that reads:]

"No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."--François Mauriac

[ooc: Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day~ ♥ (Or a fantastic Sunday, whichever you prefer ^.~)]


A resistance movement bit_impossible July 16 2010, 22:39:48 UTC
[A small, somewhat hastily wrapped package with a card attached finds its way into your post box. The card says "Happy Birthday!" in bright, bold letters on top of a streamer and balloon filled background. The inside, however, contains quite a different message:]

    Hello, sorry for the card choice; it was all I could find on short notice. (If it is your birthday, you may want to wait a day to finish reading this message. Really. Or at least until after cake and ice cream. Oh yes, and presents! Can't forget them!)

    Anyway, I need your help, and let me tell you why.

    Everyone who comes and goes to the Astral Plane is in danger. If you haven't noticed or been to the Plane in a bit, the Coliseum is very much active right now, and your friends could be one of the participants in a deathmatch. Yes, you read that correctly: a deathmatch. Those who receive letters of "invitation" to fight have absolutely no choice but to fight to the death on the appointed day of the match. And if you don't...well, both of you will die ( ... )


smolderingdark September 10 2010, 06:25:53 UTC
[A small red postcard appears in the mail. The text printed on it is black.]

After selling a shipment of salt the salesman said, "Let's shake on that."

[The card is signed with a big A that looks vaguely like the anarchy symbol.]


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