Fantabulous Weekend!

Mar 15, 2004 15:47

"You'll think i'm dead,
but i sail away,
on a wave of mutilation."

This past weekend was by far the best I've had this term. I actually expected it to be crap, but it totally surprised me.

Friday night the house exec decided to rid itself of the rest of the beer that Molson had given to us as our sponser. We had roughly about twenty dozen beer floating around, equally divided between Dave and Dan's room. It was fairly laid back and enjoyable, just sitting back drinking a few free beer and shooting the shit with the folks around the house. I ended up a tad bit drunk, but not totally so.

Saturday was completely different, however. My intention was to go downtown, come hell or high water. For five dollars cover, you could get into the Breezeway, get a free ride downtown at twelve, and get free cover into three bars downtown on George. That was my original plan, but a phone call changed that.

I'm terrible at keeping in touch with friends from home, so I was surprised when they called me up and asked me to come down to a house party. I hadn't talked to Tonya or Drew in forever, yet they were adament that I must come out with them. I wasn't going to, but when they mentioned they were going to head downtown afterwards, how could I refuse?

So I headed to Tonya's place and was happy that I did. It was excellent to see some people that I know really well, as well as a whole slew of people from home. I had a good chat with Drew and Tonya, whilst downing some wonderful Rickards Red, and then we headed downtown. We started at Loddie's, wich has no cover and cheap double white russians. I avoided the white russians (I'm not fond of milk, and it's not fond of me), and had a couple beer with Drew. Around two o'clock we headed to Benders for a bit of dancing. This is when I sort of lost my friends from home, as I kept picking people I knew out on the dance floor and just going to dance with them. Every once in a while I'de hook up with my friends from home, but on the whole I was out dancing with random people. I totally lost Tonya, and didn't see her again that night...I so have to call her.

So this is a big thank you to my friends from home! I had an amazing time Saturday night, and I'll be damned sure to keep in better touch. The folks here around residence said they haven't seen me this happy and glowing for a very long time. Mission accomplished folks!
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