A time warp back to Zombie Campaign #1

Mar 11, 2009 13:30

It was just another at day at Dan’s Sporting Goods Store in the peaceful little city, this city had been spared the unrest and anarchy that had been unleashed in so many others. The riots had been extensive and were only barely being contained, and in some cases spreading out of the cities as panic stricken civilians fled. Several individuals with no prior connections were gathered together for a rendezvous with destiny, a very hungry destiny.

After a long period of the pcs slowly getting to the wonderful sporting goods store that is "Dan’s Sporting Goods Store" The pcs were doing various shopping chores, some were picking up goods and supplies for a camping trip, while others were looking for that last minute deal. Lady luck was with them as it turned out through some chance happenstance everyone was located in the back of the store when the zombies broke into the store and began munching on the cashiers. What happened over the next few minutes was scarred forever into the survivor’s minds as the undead slowly lurched towards the survivors. Al opened fire, with a brand new and not yet paid for gun, on the first zombie while the hill-billy midget tried to climb the shelves to seize the high ground...something that he gave up after several attempts and fired into the crowd of zombies with a new shotgun.

As Al and country boy slowed the advance of the zombies the rest of the group arrived after some endurance checks and opened up with their new weaponry and made short work of the small horde. As the group cautiously made their way to the front of the store they found a lone cashier still clinging to life amidst the partially devoured bodies and as several of the survivors ventured out into the parking lot they found flyers being dropped from an airplane. These flyers described that the NG was digging in at the hospital and making it a safe haven. Al was tending to the cashier completely unfazed at operating amidst the severed and dismembered bodies of recently living, and was able to stabilize her.

Before departing the group lead by Stan engaged in a massive 100 percent off sale buyout of anything and everything that they could get their grubby little hands on, tents, survival equipment, flashlights, bullets, they were preparing for the camping trip from hell and back. Thus supplied the group set about arranging transport to the hospital, the group had used various public transport to get to the store and did not envy the prospect of walking to the hospital. Someone came upon the brilliant realization that there were in fact a lot of cars outside the store and after digging through the severed limbs of the deceased and recently re-deceased they found a set of car keys and set off for the hospital.
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