The Final Countdown...

Nov 02, 2016 00:23

Going into the final week before America's great Mental / Psychological Competency Exam.  It's a simple enough test.  Choose TRUMP to continue the effort to preserve Modern Western Civilization.  Choose CLINTON to destroy it forever.

No, it's not just like every other recent election, where there was no real choice.  Much to everyone's (including my own) astonishment, the stars have aligned in a once in a lifetime chance to select something other than a member of Team Global Fascism.  And you've got to understand that, if we let this opportunity slip by, they will be damned sure to prevent it ever happening again.

The Global Fascist Elites give not a fuck about Left/Right, Democrat/Republican, Corporatism/Socialism, Racism/Multiculturalism.  They just want power, and will use whatever facade gives them more of it at any given time.  Right now the best weapons in their arsenal are the so-called Feminists and Progressives.

And these Useful Idiots believe the destruction of Modern Western Civilization is a good thing.

Because they believe Modern Western Civilization is a contrivance of Straight White Men to keep Women and Minorities down...  And that, without Modern Western Civilization to give them an unfair advantage, Straight White Men are spineless weaklings who will be easily dominated and consumed by the Feminists and Progressives.

I can see how these beliefs could arise.  After all, Modern Western Civilization (of which America is the ultimate development to-date) was created primarily by Straight White Men.  And they do tend to fare better on average than Women and most (but not all) Minority groups.  One could logically draw the conclusion that Straight White Men are succeeding because they rigged the system for their benefit at the expense of everyone else.

But that conclusion would be wrong.

Try comparing Women and Minorities to the same groups OUTSIDE of Modern Western Civilization...  There's a reason why, over a century and a half after the end of chattel slavery in America, very few Blacks have repatriated to Africa.  The typical Black Man in America is far better-off than his counterpart in Africa.  Just as Women in America are far better off than their counterparts in Asia, the Middle East, and other cultures NOT created and run by Straight White Men.

Modern Western Civilization was designed by (mostly) Straight White Men to create an environment conducive to the generation of wealth and prosperity for everyone who participates.   A rising tide raises all ships.

Then there's the image of Straight White Men as frail wimps that could be easily dominated and exploited if only they didn't have The System on their side...

Yeah. That must be how it looks.  Unlike other groups, disgruntled White Men don't block traffic, riot, burn store fronts, loot, and mob-attack random passers-by.  We write strongly-worded letters to newspaper editors or maybe legislators.  Call-out a Feminist or Progressive on their misandry or anti-white racism, and they'll double-down and scream the White Men DESERVE it.  Accuse a Straight White Man of misogyny, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and he'll fall all over himself denying it and apologizing for saying or doing anything that might have triggered the accusation!  We pay the taxes, obey the laws, and play by the rules.  Seem like natural born doormats.

Looks can be deceiving.

Quick overview of the History of the White Man:  Psychologically hardened and mentally sharpened by the evolutionary demands of surviving the brutal Winters of Northern Europe, the White Man raped, burned, pillaged, and plundered his way around the globe.  Conquering big swaths of every habitable continent.  Subjugating, enslaving, or obliterating everyone who got in his way.

In the 1860s, my countrymen had a bit of a disagreement over tariffs and the distribution of authority between different levels of government.  So we butchered one-another to the order of a MILLION souls, and left half the country in smoldering ruins.

This was just a warm-up for the first half of the 20th Century, where the technology of violence and techniques for implementation of same, developed primarily by Straight White Men, enabled us to get a hundred times more murderific.  Finally, we ripped apart the very fabric of Reality to pour inconceivable hell fire onto our enemies, obliterating major cities in a literal flash.

Then, standing in the flickering light of mountains of smoldering corpses and mushroom clouds, Straight White Men basically looked around at one-another and said "Jeez.  Maybe we ought to dial it down a notch or two."

And so we began to make ourselves ever more inoffensive.  Tolerant.  Polite.  Not because we are afraid of others, but because we're afraid of what we'll do if we drop the restraints we've adopted for ourselves.

Don't be fooled by the civilized facade.  Straight White Men are the most goddamned terrifying subset of human beings in the history of the species.

That door you're trying to kick-in was locked for your protection more than ours.

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race, latoc, politics, social collapse, culture, doom

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