One of the most popular, zealot-ridden aspects of the Doomer world is the whole Global Warming thing. Or, as they call it when Nature decides to fling blizzards and record cold temperatures at us, "Climate Change".
Now, as someone who actually spends most of my waking hours outdoors, and has to deal with the weather on an everyday basis, I know things get pretty messed-up out there. Common sense tells me that burning about a billion years' accumulation of fossil fuels in a single century and pumping the resultant pollution into the atmosphere wasn't exactly the smartest thing in the world to do. But it's a long way from practical environmentalism to the Global Warming dogma some people are so attached to.
Yes, the climate is changing. As best as we can tell, the climate is always changing. There were ice ages and tropical ages long before mankind was a factor. The degree and direction of modern human influence on climate changes really aren't known. Even the specific rate and nature of climatic change aren't known well enough to be meaningfully evaluated.
"Denier!" the Global Warming zealots will scream. "The science is long-since settled! Human-caused Climate Change is a universally accepted reality in the scientific community!"
So, when Clarke's Fourth Law proves true, and you point at the many scientists who do not concur with the whole Global Warming theory, the zealots attempt the old ploy of claiming anyone who disagrees with them isn't qualified to have an opinion... Isn't a "real climatologist"... Or, worse-yet, is a corporate shill who is paid to enable the Evil Fat Cats to keep on polluting Mother Earth for a fast buck!
What they wont admit is that "climatology" is basically a pseudo-science. Quackery. A bunch of "experts" making wild extrapolations from woefully insufficient data to create theories that don't stand-up to any experimental validation. They give one-another academic credentials based on learning these theories. Make-up more theories, supported only by the earlier, unvalidated hypotheses, and have them reviewed by "peers" who are credentialed based on supporting these theories to start-with.
The models climatologists build on their theories
have never synched with reality. We get floods when they predict droughts, blizzards when they predict warming, mild weather when they call for super-storms. Then, after the fact, they tell us that floods, droughts, blizzards, heat waves, and even unusually mild weather is all somehow or another part of CO2-based, anthropogenic Climate Change.
Clearly, they don't have a clue how the global climate really works. Which means they are just as clueless about how to fix it. (Even if we assume it needs fixing!)
As to the "corporate shill" accusations... Anyone who knows how fascism (which is what GovCo really is) works should realize that the big corporations LOVE regulations and taxes and all the "solutions" the Global Warming zealots are calling-for. The big corporations run the Government, and will have the laws written to serve their interests, as usual. Regulations and punitive taxes will be used to hold down competition and control the masses. The greedy bastards who oppose regulation because they want to be free to pollute are nothing compared to the ones who want to milk Americans dry and rule our every action via Carbon Taxes. So, who do you think is funding more "shills" out there?
Of course, among the hard-core, extinction-happy Doomers, there is a substantial portion who have ardently adopted Global Warming as their
Apocalypse How... Peculiar sort of self-loathing hubris there. Life on Earth getting wiped-out in this century by runaway Global Warming is probably not much more likely than an asteroid strike, supervolcano, or some cosmic event. But you can't blame those doomsday scenarios on the human race, so it has to be Global Warming for the "win".
If we'd put half the effort and resources being wasted/stolen on Climate Change into dealing with the real trashing of our environment by humans, we'd actually have a better world to live in.