Good News, Anyone?

Oct 31, 2005 01:34

It's quite the festive season - Diwali and Halloween today, and Eid is around the corner.. As far as festive cheer goes, there doesn't seem to be a lot of it going around though, not if you read the news anyways. The past week there's been torrential rain in B'lore, cyclone induced floods elsewehere in the South, one train derailed by flood waters claiming more than a hundred lives, bomb blasts in Delhi, even Karl bloody Rove escaped indictment. Oh, and the UN thinks there might well not be enough winterised tents in the world to shelter eartquake-displaced - this quake displaced more people than the Boxing-day tsunami, if you haven't already given towards quake relief please do consider doing so, it's going to be a long, hard winter in Kashmir, there are several links on that BBC page and also on the Quake Help blog. India and Pakistan seem to have come to some sort of tentative agreeement over opening the LoC, after weeks of trying to score political, military and territorial brownie points while Kashmiris waited for relief, so I guess there's some reason for cheer...

Anyways, hope everyone you dear reader know made it through the week ok, and that the year ahead brings much more cheer than the last one.. A very Happy Diwali to all - hope the festival of lights brings light in everyone's life, and do light a diya for me..

politics, disaster

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