Rise of Vulcans..

May 05, 2005 02:30

No, not Spock, this is one of the velociraptor variety - Paul Wolfowitz, recently annointed head of the World Bank.. Randomly flipping channels, happened to stumble upon a panel discussion on genocide in Africa, where the panelists were by and large knocking the US for its ostrich in the sand approach to the whole issue.. Panelists by and large, with the notable of Mr. Wolfowitz who was wondering why despite the US military being so gracious as to rid the world of a genocidal regime in Iraq, they got only brickbats and not plaudits from the international community..

Well gee, I wonder why Mr Wolfowitz? Maybe, just maybe could it have something to do with American foreign policy in the Middle East? Maybe people actually haven't forgottten (or forgiven) Uncle Sam for arming and aiding Saddam's genocidal regime while Chemical Ali was busy gassing Kurds.. Maybe memories of CIA sponsored dismantling the Arab world's first democratically elected government in 1960s Iran, and the subsequent American sponsoring of first the Shah of Iran, then the Ayatollah Khomeni, and then Saddam makes people a little sceptical of talk of spreading American democratic values.. But then of course, in a neo-cons eyes all this is just leftist propaganda from a tree-hugging liberal..


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