Бедный, бедный Трампушка

Jun 02, 2020 21:21

NEW: Senate Democrats to introduce resolution condemning Pres. Trump "for ordering Federal officers to use gas and rubber bullets against the Americans who were peaceably protesting in Lafayette Square...thereby violating the constitutional rights of those peaceful protestors." pic.twitter.com/FAcgsJSyst
- ABC News (@ABC) June 2, 2020

Trump's presidency is over.
What he is doing has nothing to do with constitutional powers of a president.
But something resembling the "Reich Chancellorship" may soon begin if we don't get him out of there fast.

Robert Reich: Trump's presidency is over https://t.co/m7q85Ay8jM
- Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) June 2, 2020

Вот теперь Трампушке точно ПЦ. Никакие подачке глубинке его не спасут о импичмента. Пострелял на 5-й авеню и хватит- на свалку истории. Теперь Америка будет разбираться с Путлером и путинизмом серьёзно.

impeachment, Трампушка, крах режима

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