Three Ficlets

Jun 01, 2012 22:12

Title: The Horizon Will Meet Us When We Arrive
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: R
Warnings: Consensual Noncon
Summary:  One hour or one lifetime, how it matters depends on use and application. Or - a happily ever after is always possible.
A/N: For the
fan_flashworks "the lost hour" challenge.

Title: Goodbye, Cuba
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Ableism, Alcohol Use
Summary:  Post Cuba - it takes some time for Charles to adjust.
A/N: For the
fan_flashworks "self-portrait" challenge.

Title:  Shoebox Greetings
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: G
Summary:  On Halloween, the Xavier-Lehnsherr (Lehnsherr-Xavier) family have their own unique pumpkin carving tradition. There's no carving involved, but with a little creativity, they make it work.

rating: r, verse: movie, rating: gen, rating: pg-13, fanfiction

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