Title: Enemies
mithzvelRating: PG-13
Word count: 8,336
Characters or Pairings: Erik Lehnserr, Charles Xavier (can be read as gen or pre-slash), Original Characters, various cast characters.
Written for a prompt in the X-Men First Class Kink Meme:
Some years down the line while on a mission with the Brotherhood, Erik is about to kill one of the scientists working at the government lab researching mutants when he notices the numbers on the man's arm.
Another survivor of the camps.
Enraged, Erik asks him what the hell he thinks he's doing, considering. And the man's answer boils down to 'There's this psychopath running around who's decided, again, that I and my family are a lesser race. Screw that, I'm fighting back this time; I'd stab that Magneto bastard right in the face if I could!'
...perspective's a BITCH, ain't it?"
Disclaimer: All is owned by Marvel. No profit intended.
Author's Note: There is death, violence, confrontations, screaming, too much talking, and some hope.
Read in
AO3 or in my
Dreamwidth journal.