Title: We Met At The Park (chapter 3/?, this chapter 5968 words)
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Drama/Angst (but with a happy ending)
Summary: AU, no powers. Unable to sleep one night Erik takes a midnight walk in the local park. He finds himself being followed and propositioned by a rent boy named Charles, and begins to fall rather rapidly for his charms. Charles however, has never known what love is.
Notes: Inspiration taken entirely from James McAvoys character of Martin in the first 10 minutes of the first episode of Murder in Mind, where if you haven’t seen that he plays a rent boy who gets murdered (
watch it here on youtube). The first couple of chapters follow the same sort of situation and dialogue, but doesn’t end with anyone dead lol Plus added bits I've done my own, then it goes off in an entirely different direction (because as i said, no one dies lol This is a happy fic!) I don’t know how many chapters this will be yet, but it is all planned from beginning to end.
Previous chapters:
Chapter 1 (3324 words)
Chapter 2 (6254 words)
WARNING on this chapter: Descriptions of drug abuse
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starrose_fanfic :
( "Leave the front door open,” Charles said, his hands fidgeting, the night colder now and his breath shining in the air, “so I know you’re coming back." )