~So how's life, Jason?

Oct 02, 2009 11:29

Bad newz first, cause that's always fun:

I came back from MetroCAF, a computer art competition here in the city. And well...our school was stomped for the 2009 submissions. >_> That was last year's submissions though, they're just replaying them today. Dude, my thesis, as well as the rest of our class better step it up if we want to beat out all the other schools for the 2010 competition. I'm going to be so anal about getting my animation done, and be proud of it.

And poor Chicago for being eliminated from the Olympics bidding.

Good newz:

I'm becoming more social (for some reason) and I'm starting to get connections out there in the city. I've always been average, but this might be the first year I get straight A's. XD But not to jinx it, so I'll be hoping to get straight B's as usual.

And I'll be attending Game Live NYC. It starts October 25th at the Beacon Theater. It's cheap tickets for a kick ass show.

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