Good God, this could not have been any harder to write, or edit, or anything. Ugh.
Cross-posted several places, because that's how I do.
Title: But Now These Days Are Gone (Part Two of Two -
Part One available here)
Author: C, aka
so_egregious Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 3,263.
Pairing: John/Cynthia, John/Paul (this part is solely J/P)
Warnings: Language, drug usage.
Disclaimer: This is a true definition of fan fiction: a work of fiction, created by a fan.
Author's Notes: Credit again to
bello_romantico, first off for her encouragement, and then for her outstanding
Disentanglement, with its examining of John as the "cool" one. In this part I'll note that, like Kenwood before it, my speculations on Paul's room at the Asher house are just that. Also, I realize Paul's said that the song in question was written in a session at John's house. Plz to see disclaimer. ;)
All fight drained out of him. The fervor he’d attempted to harness into his rant seeped away. In that instant, John felt dangerously close to crying, of all things; breaking down into a blubbering mess and spilling out all his melancholia and dissatisfaction and aching self-doubt.