New writer letting her first baby leave the nest...

Oct 18, 2009 06:00

Hey there! This is my first venture into the world of Beatle!fiction, but by no means my first fan fiction, or even still my first time with RPF. That doesn't change the fact that I'm nervous as hell to post this, though. The talent here can get ridiculous. If it isn't coapcetic to post more than drabbles here, a thousand apologies. I hope you enjoy - please let me know what you think!

This is cross-posted several places, just so's you knows.

Title: Event Horizon (Part One of Two)
Author: C, aka so_egregious
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 2,307.
Pairing: John/Paul
Warnings: A bit of the language, mentions of drug usage.
Author's Notes: I've tried to keep this as accurate as possible, but I'm sure there are mistakes. That's why it's called fiction. ;) The first part is from Paul's POV; the second will be John's. Set during recording of the White Album. As you could imagine from the setting, it's also mighty angsty.

From Merriam-Webster:
event horizon (noun) - the surface of a black hole; the boundary of a black hole beyond which nothing can escape from within it.

The day had started off so well. Then, as they were wont to do more and more frequently, all things had just turned to shit.


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