Title: Keep on Running (Keep on Hiding)
Author: Didzease
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
A/N: I first wrote this, and although I was far above the word count necessary for drabbles, I did find it quite funny that the symbol count was 909. Along with this - I would love to meet Paul and tell him to, for once, tell the truth *is a bit frustrated, yes*. In other words - I think he has never stopped doing what I made him do in the drabble.
With the clouds thick and grey, high above their heads, with rain that kept on falling, they ran. The cobblestones beneath their feet wet and slippery, and they still ran, hopefully leaving the fans miles behind them but in reality only managing hundred yards maximum. The soles of their feet falling into a repetitive cadence, colliding with the cobblestones.
And, finally swallowed by a brick building with four walls, providing safety, even when the others could find their moments of rest... Paul never stopped running, being chased by his emotions, feelings faster than their fans, and sometimes faster than him.