TITLE: Be so kind to bring me a rose
FANDOM: Downton Abbey
PAIRING: Thomas Barrow/OMC (The Beast)
GENRE: Slash
PROMPT: from Older-Not-Dead challenge: Downton Abbey, ?/?, fix you. Plus, this prompt from the kink meme.
NOTES: AU for season 3 where Thomas is dismissed in disgrace after coming into Jimmy's bedroom at night. Also, for the sake of the Older-Not-Dead prompt, Thomas is at least 40 in this verse.
After kissing Jimmy, Thomas is dismissed and forced to leave Downton Abbey in disgrace. Forced to move away to get himself a fresh start, he finds employment under a reclusive gentleman in Scotland in need of a trained valet and butler, who offers him an excellent deal, including a very flexible work hours, a descent paycheck and a luxurious bedroom.
The catch is that his new employer is a monster, a man so ugly Thomas can barely stand the sight of him. He spends most of his days locked away in his chambers and never meets anyone but his lawyer and doctor, and doesn't even mind that Thomas doesn't want to touch him without his gloves on - god only knows what the hell is wrong with his skin.
But there are advantages to working for a powerful man who's too scared to leave his room. For one thing, he's never around, so Thomas is truly the master of the house in his absence. And he owns the village down the hill, so Thomas is now responsible for its management. With so much power in his hands, he might as well get cocky and search for Master's dirty secrets when he's not looking.