Reminder that prompts are needed for Promptathon 15

Oct 27, 2013 10:43

We have had very few prompts for our fifteenth promptathon - thank you to the person who has submitted them. However, we really could do with some more.

You can submit prompts up to the end of 29th (although in reality this will be first thing on the 30th UK time to allow for time differences).

If you wish to submit prompts, and remember you don't have to be a writer or graphic maker to submit prompts, you can do so by going here. Please remember to read the blurb about how prompts should be submitted.

To remind you, the theme for this promptathon is

Hurt and/or Comfort

Do you like to hurt your characters? Or comfort them? Or both? Well this theme gives you ample opportunity to do either or indeed both.

The prompts can be:

  • A fandom and a prompt, e.g. NCIS. ?/?. Dancing
  • A fandom, a character and a prompt, e.g. Due South. Fraser/?. Thinking about the future.
  • A fandom, a pairing and a prompt, e.g. The Professionals. Bodie/Doyle. A surprise from the past.
  • Just a prompt (i.e. suitable for any fandom/pairing) e.g. ?. ?/?. Flowers

    And you can mix and match when submitting, or just submit one type.

    Also just to remind you (yes, again) the characters only have to be 40+ in the story/graphics, not in canon. (Of course they can be 40+ in canon as well, but that isn't part of the 'rules').
  • !prompts, !promptathon 14: weapons, !!admin

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